Volunteer Woodpeckers

Volunteer Woodpeckers

Author : Julie Anderson
Language : English
Category : Children's Books
Rights : Southeast Asia
Publisher : Dixi Books
ISBN : 978-619-7458-39-8
Extent : 32 pages

Birds live in this world right alongside us. We might know the names of a few species, but they’re not cats or dogs. How many of us really know them well?

For children, flying is a miracle unique to birds. Children are curious about our winged friends, the way they fly, sometimes over extraordinary distances, the way they eat, build their nests, and raise their young.

In this second book of our Woodpecker series, our woodpecker friends teach us the meaning of solidarity. We see how they build a cooperative, a food store built for the purpose of sharing food with those who need it. We learn that it is possible to establish a united community deep in the mysterious world of the forest.

Beyond the birds’ squeaks and squawks, Volunteer Woodpeckers takes place in a different space and shares with children a sense of joy and wonder that adults might never comprehend.

A good children’s story should catch a child’s full attention. At Dixi Books, capturing a child’s imagination is our priority and our promise.

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